Profile PictureSfundo Mhlungu
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Full Stack React: From Beginner to Advanced Developer with 1-on-1 Mentorship

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Unlock your full potential in React with our comprehensive course, designed to transform you from a beginner to an advanced full-stack developer. With hands-on projects and personalized 1-on-1 support, our targeted approach will take your skills to the next level, introducing industry standards and features as you progress. Say goodbye to multiple unrelated projects and hello to a journey that prepares you for the real world. Our course includes a capstone project, assistance in creating a freelance profile, job search readiness, and guidance on content creation. With limited spots available, enroll now and start your successful career in React.

Course starts on the 28th of February; a reminder email will be sent a day earlier(make sure your contact details work).

Chapter 1: Fundamentals -> components and hooks

1.1 Components.

1.2 Introduction to Hooks: useEffect and useState.

1.3 Pokemone API app.

1.4 Conditional Rendering.

1.5 Pokemon API app w/ conditional rendering.

1.6 Project 1: From scratch challenge.

Chapter 2 : Advanced Fundamentals ->more hooks and custom hooks

2.1 useRef hook

2.2 Creating custom hooks

2.3 Cleaner Pokemon API app w/ custom hooks.

2.4 Cleaner Project 1 w/ custom hooks.

Chapter 3: Advanced Fundamentals part 2: Forms and Routing

3.1 Forms and React

3.2 React Hook Form

3.3 Landing page challenge: Log in and Sign up forms

3.4 Routing: React Router

3.5 Landing page challenge w/ React Router

Chapter 4: Git and Vercel basics

4.1 Introduction to Git

4.2 Vercel and Hosting

4.3 Challenge: Host Pokemon and Landing page Apps

Chapter 5: Project 3

Tailored Challenge(emailed): Solidifying chapters 1 to 4.

Chapter 6: Road to Full stack.

6.1 Introduction to server-side programming

6.2 Introducing Express.js

6.3 Databases

6.4 Prisma Crash Course

6.5 Hosting a server

Chapter 7: Project 3 server

Fullstack project w/ express: project 3

Chapter 8: Beyond Fundamentals: State management

8.1 Context

8.2 Pullstate

8.3 Project 3 w/ state management

Chapter 9: Beyond Fundamentals part 2 : React Query

9.1 Introduction to React query

9.2 Utilizing react query in a project

Chapter 10: Next.js

9.1 Introduction to serverless programming

9.2 Next.js fundamentals

9.3 Next authentication

9.4 Handling Payments

Chapter 11: The t3 stack

11.1 introduction

11.2 Portfolio generator: project 4

Chapter 12: Preparing for the capstone project

12.1 generating an idea

12.3 setting goals

12.2 App types: wide vs deep

Chapter 13: Animations and React

13.1 useSpring

13.2 Other animation libraries

Chapter 14: Capstone week.

Day 1: submit Idea with milestones

Day 3: Milestones review

Day 5: Milestones review part 2

Day 6: prepare for submission

Day 7: Submit and Host the project

Chapter 15: Conclusion and Q/A.

15.1 Freelancing

15.2 Finding a job

15.3 Startup

15.4 content creation

15.5 Submit your list of questions

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1-on-1 Mentorship
Reviewed Capstone Project
Advice to Start Freelance
Advice for Job Seeking
Advice for content creation
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Full Stack React: From Beginner to Advanced Developer with 1-on-1 Mentorship

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